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List Seminar Fakultas Teknik Tahun 2016
Showing 21-30 of 209 items.

List Seminar

#Judul SeminarKeterangan SeminarNama PenyelenggaraProdiSeminar
21the International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer ScientistsTechno-Economic Analysis Of Lithium-Ion Battery For Motorcycle DevelopmentIAENGS-1 Teknik IndustriProf. Dr. Ir. Wahyudi Sutopo, S.T., M.Si.
22the International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer ScientistsTechno-economic Feasibility Analysis of a Public Street Light with Solar Cell PowerIAENGS-1 Teknik IndustriDr. Ir. Muh. Hisjam, S.T.P.,M.T.
23the International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer ScientistsTechno-economic Feasibility Analysis of a Public Street Light with Solar Cell PowerIAENGS-1 Teknik IndustriRoni Zakaria R, S.T.,M.T.
24the International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer ScientistsTechno-economic Feasibility Analysis of a Public Street Light with Solar Cell PowerIAENGS-1 Teknik IndustriProf. Dr. Ir. Wahyudi Sutopo, S.T., M.Si.
25Sustainable energy and advanced materials-proceeding of the 4th international conference and exhibition on sustainable energy and advanced materials 2015 (ice-seam 2015)Hermetic compressor and block expansion valve in refrigeration performanceTeknik Mesin UNS, UTEM Malaysia dan American Institute of Physics.S-1 Teknik MesinProf. Ir. Dominicus Danardono Dwi Prija Tjahjana, S.T., M.T., Ph.D.
26Sustainable energy and advanced materials-proceeding of the 4th international conference and exhibition on sustainable energy and advanced materials 2015 (ice-seam 2015)Hermetic compressor and block expansion valve in refrigeration performanceTeknik Mesin UNS, UTEM Malaysia dan American Institute of Physics.S-1 Teknik MesinDr. Ir. Didik Djoko Susilo, S.T., M.T.
27Sustainable energy and advanced materials-proceeding of the 4th international conference and exhibition on sustainable energy and advanced materials 2015 (ice-seam 2015)Hermetic compressor and block expansion valve in refrigeration performanceTeknik Mesin UNS, UTEM Malaysia dan American Institute of Physics.S-1 Teknik MesinDr. Ir. Budi Santoso, S.T., M.T.
28Sustainable energy and advanced materials-proceeding of the 4th international conference and exhibition on sustainable energy and advanced materials 2015 (ice-seam 2015)Sound vibration signal processing for detection and identification detonation (knock) to optimize performance Otto engineTeknik Mesin UNS, UTEM Malaysia dan American Institute of Physics.S-1 Teknik MesinDr. Ir. Budi Santoso, S.T., M.T.
29Sustainable energy and advanced materials-proceeding of the 4th international conference and exhibition on sustainable energy and advanced materials 2015 (ice-seam 2015)Sound vibration signal processing for detection and identification detonation (knock) to optimize performance Otto engineTeknik Mesin UNS, UTEM Malaysia dan American Institute of Physics.S-1 Teknik ElektroDr.Ir. Augustinus Sujono, M.T.
30Sustainable energy and advanced materials-proceeding of the 4th international conference and exhibition on sustainable energy and advanced materials 2015 (ice-seam 2015)Sound vibration signal processing for detection and identification detonation (knock) to optimize performance Otto engineTeknik Mesin UNS, UTEM Malaysia dan American Institute of Physics.S-1 Teknik MesinDr. Wibawa Endra Juwana, S.T., M.T.


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Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan

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Pasca Sarjana

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Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik

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Ekonomi dan Bisnis

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Ilmu Budaya

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Seni Rupa dan Desain

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