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List Seminar Fakultas Teknik Tahun 2014
Showing 61-70 of 137 items.

List Seminar

#Judul SeminarKeterangan SeminarNama PenyelenggaraProdiSeminar
61International Conference on IEOMAn Optimization Model for Production Allocation in A Large Steel Manufacturing CompanyIndustrial Engineering and Operation Management SocietyS-1 Teknik IndustriProf. Dr. Ir. Cucuk Nur Rosyidi, S.T., M.T.
62International Conference on IEOMAn Optimization Model for Production Allocation in A Large Steel Manufacturing CompanyIndustrial Engineering and Operation Management SocietyS-1 Teknik IndustriIr. Yusuf Priyandari, S.T.,M.T.
63Joint International Conference APCHI-ERGOFUTURE-PEI-IAIFIElectricity Energy Audit For HVAC Systems And Artificial Lighting Systems In Industrial Engineering Department Sebelas Maret UniversityIndonesia Ergonomics Association, IEA, Udayana University, and Bali Human Ecology Study GroupS-1 Teknik IndustriProf. Dr. Ir. Bambang Suhardi, S.T.,M.T.
64Joint International Conference APCHI-ERGOFUTURE-PEI-IAIFIElectricity Energy Audit For HVAC Systems And Artificial Lighting Systems In Industrial Engineering Department Sebelas Maret UniversityIndonesia Ergonomics Association, IEA, Udayana University, and Bali Human Ecology Study GroupS-1 Teknik IndustriDr.Eng. Ir. Pringgo Widyo Laksono, S.T., M.Eng.
65Konferensi Teknik Sipil (Konteks) ke-8Kapasitas Lentur Tulangan Bambu Petung Takikan Tipe VKonsorsium Perguruan Tinggi Penyelenggara Konferensi Teknik SipilS-1 Teknik SipilDr. Galuh Chrismaningwang, S.T., M.T.
66Konferensi Teknik Sipil (Konteks) ke-8Kapasitas Lentur Tulangan Bambu Petung Takikan Tipe VKonsorsium Perguruan Tinggi Penyelenggara Konferensi Teknik SipilS-1 Teknik SipilDr. Agus Setiya Budi, S.T., M.T.
67International Conference Applied Material and Physic Nanotechnology ICAMPN 2014Acoustic Cell from Newspaper Waste and Rice Husks as Noise Absorption Materials LIPIS-1 Teknik IndustriIr. Taufiq Rochman, S.T.P.,M.T.
68International Conference Applied Material and Physic Nanotechnology ICAMPN 2014Acoustic Cell from Newspaper Waste and Rice Husks as Noise Absorption Materials LIPIS-1 Teknik IndustriDr.Eng. Ir. Pringgo Widyo Laksono, S.T., M.Eng.
69International Conference Applied Material and Physic Nanotechnology ICAMPN 2014Acoustic Cell from Newspaper Waste and Rice Husks as Noise Absorption Materials LIPIS-1 Teknik IndustriDr. Ir. R Hari Setyanto, M.Si.
70Joint International Conference APCHI-ERGO FUTURE-PEI-IAIFI Modification Ankle Prosthetic Foot Endoskeletal Below Knee with Appropriate Technology Application Through the SHIP Approach (Systemic-Holistic-Interdisciplinary-Participatory) Low Cost and FunctionalUdayana UniversityS-1 Teknik IndustriDr. Ir. Lobes Herdiman, M.T.


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Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan

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Pasca Sarjana

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Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik

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Ekonomi dan Bisnis

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Ilmu Budaya

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Seni Rupa dan Desain

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